The Incredible, Wonderful, Love of God

Fantastic autumn sunset of Hintersee lake. Beautiful scene of trees near turquoise water of Hintersee lake. Location: resort Ramsau, National park Berchtesgadener Land, Upper Bavaria, Germany Alps, Europe
Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love
John 15:9
“If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” goes the saying. “There’s always a catch. Be sure to read the fine print in the contract. cross every T and dot the I’s so you don’t get burned,” we’re told.
In our world of disappointment and betrayal, the love of God stands alone as the exception to the rule.
1 Corinthians 13:5–8 gives us love’s definition: “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails…”
God is love (1 John 4). Read the verses above in 1 Corinthians again, only this time replace “love” with “God.” He is patient and kind, even when we blow it. God doesn’t take our sins into account (they were dealt with at the cross). He bears our unfaithfulness, doubt, and fear. Perhaps most importantly for us, His love never fails.
Throughout Scripture, there are many examples of broken men and women who, after coming into contact with God and discovering His love, gladly gave up everything for Him.
Isaiah had a problem with vulgar language. Once touched by the grace of God, he eagerly stepped forward to volunteer for the thankless job of prophet, the outcome of which was a martyr’s death. Zacchaeus, after experiencing Jesus’ acceptance of him in spite of his hated status as chief tax collector, promised to give half his money to the poor (Luke 19). The Apostle Paul was willing to endure persecution of every kind so he could know God (Philippians 3).
Many Christians have heard of the love of God, but do they really believe it’s for them? “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us,” writes the apostle in 1 John 4. For the truth to change us, we must receive it.
When a man has been pounded for years with shame, condemnation, fear, rejection, or even abuse, accepting God’s unfailing love can feel impossible. How can he believe something he’s never experienced before?
The love of God is vast, like a blanket covering the universe. If we look hard enough, we will see His love everywhere: in all of creation, when He shows up in the details of our life, by how gently He deals with us in our frailties, and how He consistently provides for our needs even though we don’t deserve it.
Of course, the greatest revelation of His love is when God allowed His creation, man, to kill His Son so that those of us who would receive that love by simple faith could be with Him for all eternity.
There are days when God’s grace is too wonderful for me to understand. But maybe that’s the point. Attempting to contain the enormous love of God in the shallow box of our understanding is like trying to stop a tidal wave with a Ping–Pong paddle.
Let Him overwhelm you today.
Excerpted from Mike Genung’s book, 100 Days on The Road to Grace, A Devotional for the Sexually Broken
Image Copyright : Vadym Lavra